If you are using the BitMex exchange, then this article will guide you on how to connect your account to CoinStats within just a few clicks. You can connect to BitMex both on the web and mobile platforms. Here is how it works:
First, log in to your BitMex account and go to the API tab.
In the API Keys section, click API Key Management.
Enter the Name (ex. CoinStats BitMex) for your API key and leave other fields unedited for read-only access. After naming the API key, click the Create API Key button.
Then you will see a screen like the one below with your ID and secret keys.
Note: Please make sure to copy/paste your Secret Key to a safe place, as it will only be displayed when it is created. If you lose this key, you will need to delete your API and set up a new one.
Now go to the CoinStats app/web.
Go to the Portfolio Tracker tab and click on Connect Portfolio.
You will see a pop-up window. Find BitMex in the list of exchanges, click on it, and paste your ID and API Secret.
After clicking Submit, you will see your BitMex portfolio synced with CoinStats!
Go to the Portfolio tab and click on the add button. Select BitMex from the list of exchanges and paste your ID and API Secret.
After clicking Submit, you will see your BitMex portfolio synced to the CoinStats app.
Feel free to reach us at support@coinstats.app in case of any questions! π§‘
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